Thursday, December 27, 2012

Yeah, I'll just be in Argentina for New Years. No big deal.

Dear everybody,

It's insane to think that I have been here for five weeks!  After six weeks, the oldest guys get transfered out along with all of the Latinos, and all the new people come in!  And I'll get a new companion!  A LATINO companion!  Yews, that's what the six weekers get: a companion who usually only speaks Spanish.  On January 17th, MTC time is getting reduced by a third for all foreign speakers and on February 12th (Abraham Lincoln's birthday 1809) it'll be reduced by one third for all natives, too.  Missionaries like me will now have six weeks to be trained instead of the old-school nine weeks.  My jealousy is immeasurable...  Either way, I only have another week with my compañeros.  I'll miss Elder Parker and Elder Pointer.  We call ourselves "the Trio" and sing the word "trio" as a trio when people say the work "trio."  It's the best thing ever.

Due to lost classtime on Christmas, we didn't go proselyting in order to catch ourselves up in our studies.  But the days leading up to Christmas were amazing.  We watched  the first Presidency Christmas Devotional (found on on Sunday and hearing the choir sing "What Child is This" brought me straight back to singing in the Messiah choir.  I quietly sang my part along during that song as several tears of joy streamed down my face.  On Christmas Eve (which is called "Noche Buena" down here) one of the area authories came to speak to us, the missionaries, about applying the generousity and charity of Christ to our libes and missionary work.  Christ's earthly ministry was only three years, you know.  My ministry will be two. l  If I have faith in Him, I know that I can have the same affect on the people as He did.

Christmas day was the most amazing, most difficult Christmas I have ever had.  We spent the morning studying different aspects of Christ's life and I had the opportunity to bear my testimony to all seventy of the missionaries in the CCM that Christ lives.  He overcame death and now we have the same opportunity.  And, as Christ commands in Mark 16:15-18, I must go forth and share this wonderful message with everyone.  I know that Christ lives; the Spirit of God has made the known to me because I have prayed and asked God.  I know that the same will work for anyone as long as they're willing to act upon his or her answer.  We watched a devotional for missionaries by Elder Holland that night and it completely changed my perspective on how I am going to teach.  Elder Holland...he is amazing.

My Spanish is coming along excellently.  I have learned everything that they are going to teach me and now it's just a matter of application.  English is so much easier!!  But Spanish is a beautiful language and communicating in it makes me feel like a boss.  I love learning about how to teach.  When I taught lessons before my mission, I think I did a pretty good job for the knowledge and the spirit that I had.  But now I feel like the Lord has shown me how to teach in a completely different way.  It's difficult to explain, but it sufficeth me to say that the Spirit knows all things and that I learn more and more every day about how to follow the promptings of God.  Also, Preach My Gospel is amazing.  I never appreciated it like I should have before my mission!!  Time blazes by here and I don't even know what to do with myself other than to get lost in this work.  I love you all and wish you happy holidays.  I love Christmahanukawanzakuh!  And New Years!  Make good resolutions.  I plan to do the same.  I must now go and serve the beloved children of God.

Elder Plautz

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!

Dear everyone!

What a week!  Everything just blazes by!  I look at the North Americans who just got here and feel like I was standing in theri places yesterday.  After spending every hour of every day with the same people, everything just becomes really funny.  It's amazing how many little inside jokes three people can develop together.  Getting along with a companion requires a great deal of patience.  Even if he is a wonderful person and teacher, it can be easy to be annoyed with somebody after spending every second of every day with them.  It also requires a lot of apologies and forgiveness.  I know why they say that missions help prepare you for *other* relationships in the future.  It's true!  Luckily, me and my trio get along very well because we're generally easygoing.  I am so blessed to have them; they're wonderful guys.

In the CCM, the secret to making time fly is looking forward to whatever comes next.  Wednesday is temple day, Thursday is email, Saturday is proselyting, and Sunday is sacrament meeting.   Even as a missionary, Sundays are still incredibly special.  The Spirit felt during the meetings and the chance to renew our covenants in Sacrament meeting leaves us rejuvinated for the week.  This is especially needed right after proselyting day.  Proselyting is easily the thing that we all look forward to the most.  It is so tiring and I have a great deal of resepct for missionaries that spend their whole missions doing it.  I have even more respect for the missionaries who always maintain a great attitude, too.  Elder Parker, Elder Pointer, and I have great strength in keeping a positive attitude.  The Lord blessed us last Satruday with a miracle!  After two hours of knocking doors in Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, we hadn't seen any success.  But we knew that the Lord would bless us for diligently working.  While the three of us were sitting on a sidewalk, eating lunch, a man of about fifty years rode his bicycle up to us and engaged us in a conversation.  This man recognized us a missionaries from the LDS Church and started to talk to us about himselrf.  His name was Ricarlo and he was baptized in the late 1990s.  About eight years ago, he stopped attending church becuase he had to work every Sunday and on top of that, he was also going through a very difficult time in his life.  He told me that he was still having hard times and that he wanted us to say a prayer with him.  Before praying, I felt prompted to testify to him that if he would start attending church again and start to read the Book of Mormon again, that he would see great blessings in his life.  I offered a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to give Ricarlo strength through his trials and to feel His love.  The Spirit was strong and Ricarlo was so grateful!  He made sure we had his contact information so we could give it to the missionaries that belong to the area.  Ricarlo committed to attending church again and reading out of the Book of Mormon.

None of us expected something huge to happen that day, but the Lord blessed us with a man who needed help.  This was no coincidence.  This is why I'm here.  On top of the present miracle, we were only speaking in Spanish, something that continues to amaze me.  The Lord is pouring blessings on us!  I am so grateful for this opportunity to represent Jesus Christ; I wouldn't do it if I didn't know that this was His church.  This is His church.  We, as the missionareies, hold His authority spoken of in Matthew 10:1.  Our appointment with everyone else feel through that Saturday; we went to Graciela's and Matías' house and Graciela said that he wasn't home, but that she wanted us to come back.  I have great hopes for those whom we have come in contact with.  The language of Spanish is making more and more and less and less sense every day.  People say that missionaries eventually start to think in the language and that's starting to happen to me.  It doesn't happen all at once.  It just starts with words and phrases that you would noramlly think, except it's in Spanish.  It's a miraculous process!  Continue to pray for me and I will do the same for you!  I must now go and serve the beloved Children of God.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Elder Plautz

P.S. Shout outs to Catherine, Amelia, and Sydney for birthdays!  One year older and wiser, too!  I love you all!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

We are no longer the new guys!

Dear everyone!

This week has been fantastic.  I think that once I got over the phase where I really missed home, everything just took a turn in a positive direction.  My Spanish is still rapidly imporving and I know that it is becasue the Lord has poured the blessings of heaven on my head.  I know that if I dedicate myself to this work, the Lord will belss me and my family.  More importantly, I know that he will bless the lives of those whom I will come in contact with.

On proselyting day we went back out into the cramped city of  Buenos Aires and invited many poeple to hear our message.  I think that last week was a humbling experience, but this week, we were ready to trust in the Lord.  He blessed us with a lesson!  That's right, we taught a lesson to a guy names Matías and his mother Graciela.  They are Christians and already hae tremendous faith in Christ.  With our two-and-a-half-week knowledge of Spanish, we taught an hour-long lesson about the Restoration.  It was the biggest miracle I have seen so far on the journey.  Somehow, I understood the most part of what they were saying.  Somehow, I conveyed everything that I was thinking.  Our district's first goal ever was to memorize the First Vision in Spanish.  I'm so glad and grateful that we did, because amidst all of my broken Spanish, my recount of that sacred moment was gramatically spot-on perfect.  It really drew in the Spirit.  We gave them a copy of the Book of Mormon and two pamphlets adn set up another appointment with them for this Saturday!  Even writing this down now fills me with the spirit of gratitude.  That they accepted the invitation to read the Book of Mormon was an absolute miracle.  Heavenly Father loosed my tongue like He promised He would in D&C 11:21 and 84:85.  This is yet another of the infinite miracles that the Lord has put in my life.

I have grown to love it here at the CCM.  President Openshaw is an incredible man with an immeasurable knowledge of the Scriptures.  He is the literal definition of a scriptorian.  Seriously, he has every scripture memorized and connected.  I want to be him when I grow up.  Not just because of his knowledge, but becasue of his love for missionaries, our work, and the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Having a trio is difficult at times, but I couldn´t ask for better companions than Elder Parker and Elder Pointer.  They are so much fun and so determined to learn and set amazing goals.  We work really well together.

I can't wait to be able to proclaim this Gospel every day when I get out of the CCM.  I have been here for three weeks and my testimony of this Gospel has doubled.  We said goodbye to plenty of missionaries this past Tuesday who had served their time here at the CCM.  I had to say goodbye to my roommates, Elders Castro and Puruncajas.  We got a new flock of missionaries in today and my district decided that we are going to try to make them feel as welcome as possible.  The first week and a half is the hardest, no doubt.  I walked into my room today, though, and saw a Latino passed out on my bed with his stuff all over my bed, too.  Even though my bed is distinguishingly different than every other bed, because of my super fluffy soft blanket, he still felt that that bed was the one he could sleep on.  I was so confused as to why he picked my bed, but I don't blame him.  I do have a super fluffy soft blanket.  Please pray for me and I will do the same for you.  I love you all.  I must now go and serve the beloved children of God.

Elder Plautz

(From left to right): Elder Parker, me, Elder Castro, Elder Pointer, Elder Puruncajas.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Life in the CCM!

Dear everyone,

This week went by so much faster.  I have been learning so much that it's unreal.  In two week, I have learned more Spanish than I did in two years of school and another two years of working with the Hispanics at Chick-fil-A.  A usual day at the CCM (which I mistakenly called the "Centro de Captivaciòn Misional" last email; it's actually the Centro de Capacitaciòn Misional, although sometimes it feels more like captivity rather than capacitation...).  A usual day is as follows: we wake up at 6:30 am and take showers, get ready, etc.  Breakfast is always cold cereal and some sort of pastry.  (Lunch and dinner is real food and the food here is amazing.)  I'm not sure if this is a CCM thing or an Argentina thing, but the milk is never cold!  It's in between warm and cold.  This is inexcusable!  It might be time for me to break my covenants and put ice milk.  Just kidding.  They won't break me.

After breakfast is personal study.  Before my mission,k I never really understood personal study like I do now.  The purpose of personal study is to study for our investigators (as long as we have people to teach) and their needs.  If I were teaching a guy named Pablo and he needed to learn about the Atonement, then I would pray for guidance and receive inspiration about which principles he needs to know about the Atonement.  Following personal study is companionship study, where we come together and decide how we'll teach our investigator(s), like who will cover which principles and how we are going to convey our message (in Spanish!).

We then have language study, which is usually the time my disrict loses focus (because they are anxiously waiting for lunch).  Trying to keep us focused is getting easier.  ONe of our teachers, Hermano Antoniette, says that our district is the perfect median between having fun and begin serious about learning.  It's great to have a bright and willing district.  Two of the Elders are struggling a little bit with the language, one of which is one of my companions, Elder Parker, because of his thick southern accent   (Still very entertaining to listen to in any language.)  During our studies, we also teach investigators played by the teachers.  We have investigators that we visit frequently and also some that we just visit with once.  This is to prepare us to teach any principle we want to.  Finding the needs of an investigator is like a spiritual puzzle.  We seek divine inspiration  which takes an ear for the Spirit, a lot of patience, and discussion with my companions.  We have lunch, then go back to the classroom for more Spanish study.  Everything moves so quickly, I know that without the Spirit  none of us would be learning this fast.  Following Spanish class is MORE Spanish class (on the computer  and the we have Actividad Fìsica (Physical Activity).  We are expected to do something active so let me just say that you KNOW I'm being exactly obedient whin I subject myself to basketball ad soccer.  Sometimes we play volleyball, which I'm much better at, but seriously, I'm in SOuth America.  Everybody wants to play soccer.  I will probably be pro by the end of my mission.

We clean oursevles up and then you guessed it!  MORE Spanish class!  We can never get enought of it.  More vocbulary, berbs, tenses, irregulars, an grammar.  Spanish grammar is super confusing, buy I'm understand more of it with every passing day.  After we've had about as much SPanish as we could take for one day, we have dinner and then doctrinal class.  We watch a lot of "the District" movies (documentaries about missionary work) and read a TON of Preach my Gospel and talk about how we listen to the SPirit and meet investiagors' needs.  Our evening teacher, hermano Melerio, ust got off his mission in Argentina six weeks ago and he is great at helping us realize what our necesities are as teachers of the Gospel of Jusus Christ.  We finish up our day with planning, where we talk as companionships about the needs of our investigators and what we feel they should learn and then we go ack to uor dorms to get ready for bed and go to sleep.  Elder Parker, Elder Pointer, and I share a dorm with a Latino companionship: Elder Castro from Columbia and Elder Puruncajas from Ecuador.  Both of them are helping us with our Spanish in any way they can.  There aren't really any restrictions about where we can't speak English (except in lessons and most of any class), but my district is making several goals to speak as much spanish as possible.  Since Elder Puruncajas can understand most of English, he is my human dictionary!  I love that guy!  Both of them have taken me to new levels of Español.  

On Saturdays, we go out and proselyte!  From 12-6 we dive into the cities of Argentina and put our limited knowledge and sub-par speaking skills into action!  Try to undersatnd an Argentine's Spanish is harder than using a whisk to scoop ice cream.  It's no walk in tha park.  But somehow we manage to convery our message...long enought for them to say that they're not interesed.  It was frustarting (we've only gone out once so far), but then a few people listened to us for five or ten minutes and I had the opportuniy to bear my testimony to a lady in Spanish.  This is no easy work, but it definitely has its rewards.

If I had more time to write, I would, but they only give us 30 minutes!  Take solace and comfort in the fact that CHRISTMAS is coming!!!  Read your scriputres!  Look for missionary opportuniteis!  If you pray for them, they will come!

Elder Plautz

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The first week is always the longest.

Hello all,

This week has been the best and the most stressful, yet the most incredible.  It is truly difficult to put it into words.  But I'm going to make an attempt.  I met up with plenty of missionaries in the Atlanta airport and I attempted to talk to several people to try to give my copy of the Book of Mormon away, but nobody took!  I was able to give plenty of passalong cards away, though.  The plan ride to Argentina was long.  I'll tell you: I have never spent such a long time in an airplane.  But seeing where we were flying on the little screens on the airplane was surreal.  "How are we actually flying over South America," I would continually ask myself.  After we landed, we met up with several other missionaries in the Buenos Aires airport.  All of us (minus the one sister who already spoke Spanish) felt like fishes out of water.  Nobody spoke english.  In America, no matter where you are, there's always at least one person who speaks English.  Guess what: in Argentina, there are NONE!  Well, that´s probably an exaggeration, but for serious, I couldn't believe it.

The CCM (Centro Captivación Misional) is right next to the Argentina Buenos Aires Temple and let me tell you: it is quite the sight.  Not the CCM.  The temple.  The CCM hold probably about eighty people max and there are about fifty people here right now.  I understand that in districts in the Provo MTC, it´s rare that tow people might be going to the same mission.  This is not the case here.  Minus the one guy who is going to Paraguay, my whole district (consisting of seven people) is going to the Uruguay Montevideo Mission.  The CCM President used to be the President of the Chile Rancagua Mission (President Openshaw).  President Openshaw interviews all of the new missionaries when they arrive, so I got interviewed and the next day he called me to be my district´s District Leader.  I have had several opportunities to teach and learn from my district.  I was assigned two companions: Elder Pointer and Elder Parker.  They are both pretty easy to get along with, but Elder Parker´s and my personalities kind of clash because of my desire to be exactly obedient.  He is still a great guy, thought.  He´s from Louisianna and has a deep southern accent.  I always said that one reason I wanted to be fluent in Spanish is because I would be able to speak with a thick souther accent and finally know what it truly sounds like.  That dream came true before I was fluent; listening to him speak Spanish is a treat for anyone that hears it!

In one week, I have learned as much Spanish as I did in a year and a half of high school.  I know that the gift of tongues is real.  I have experienced it on a daily basis.  Being in the CCM is very difficult.  In one week you already feel like you´ve been here for a year.  The older Elders say that the  first week is the longest and I hope that that's true.  I have to be here for nine.  There are at least twenty times during the day when the stress of learning becomes so hard that we just say "forget it; there's no way I can learn a foreign language."  We just want to quit and go to sleep, or go home.  But then we get to teach.  The investigators aren't real, they're the teachers, but all of the teachers served missions around here and have recently returned.  They pretend to be investigators that they have taught.  We try to teach as much as we can in Spanish, so it takes a lot of preparation, but to testify and make promises in this language has brought me some of the most joy I have ever felt.  I know that the Lord will find a way for me to learn this language.  One of my teachers said that my district shows real promise.  He said we learned in four days what took the last Gringos (Americans) three weeks.  Our faith in the Lord is strong and I credit my ability to learn quickly to Him.  Yes, there are times when I ask myself "why did I ever even THINK that I wanted to go foreign" but the Lord softens my heart and calms me down.

We get to go through the temple every Preparation day, so I did a session and it was in Español!  I understood about a quarter of it.  But by the end, I felt all of the stresses of the week melt away.  The Lord has truly blessed me with patience and diligence this week.

Talking with the Latinos is the easiest way to learn the lauguage, so I never miss an opportunity.  They are patient and willing to help us learn.  They all call me Superman!  I love you all and pray that you have a wonderful week.  Yo se qué la iglesia de Jesucristo de Santos de los Últimos Días es verdadero.

Elder Plautz

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Farewell to Elder Daniel Plautz

Daniel left RDU airport at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 21, 2012.  It was a sad but also joyous goodbye.  This is what we raised him to do.  He is in the Lord's hands now.  Until we meet again, my son.